Get to know JOMO, the joy of missing something on social media.

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JOMO is an abbreviation for Joy of missing out, which may refer to the idea or behavior of letting go of trends, news, or other people’s stories on Social Media that are not very necessary for our lives. and is only interest in his own story This may be a good choice for those who feel that they are too addict to Social Media to the point of affecting their own mental health.

JOMO behavior is the opposite of FOMO behavior, ufabet, which stands for “Fear of missing out,” which means fear of missing out on the news. Or not being able to keep up with the trends in Social Media causes many people to become addicted to using Social Media too much and comparing their own lives with others, leading to accumulated stress. Loss of confidence to self-worth Quite low

For JOMO, it means the feeling of satisfaction in not knowing things. On social media Because of choosing to ignore I don’t know anymore. will feel happier This may include not updating your life. Or updated but didn’t go back to see what happened after that. I don’t care who sees this post. Or has anyone ever come to ask?

JOMO, at first glance, has nothing in common with FOMO. It is also like the goal that FOMO wants to reach because, if given the choice, everyone. Would like to be able to be happy without relying on social media. Because it reflects peace by paying attention to your own life and happiness. Without having to understand other people’s stories to cause confusion.

When we see other people’s lives on Social Media less. It may make us happier with our own lives in the present. Without having to feel like your own life is inferior to anyone else’s. Or you don’t have to try to do anything beyond your means in order to live like other people. Because sometimes trying to do anything to feel like your own life is better than other people’s. It is a matter that is mentally debilitating. and may result in Mental health problems too

JOMO mindset or behavior can also include us knowingly refusing to attend social events if. We don’t like or are uncomfortable attending. Without having to worry that if you refuse, others will be dissatisfi. Or are they worri that if they don’t go to this event, they won’t be able to talk to other people? And spend that time doing activities that you really want to do.